Online Giving


The Bible teaches that giving is a part of growing in our faith. It is a response to God’s good gifts to us, and it is an act of worship toward Him.

If you are visiting the First Baptist Church website, but First Baptist Church is not your church home, we do not expect you to give. There is no obligation to give at any of our services. However, if FBC is your church home, or if the Lord has touched your heart about supporting His work here at First Baptist, we hope this tool will help you to abound in the grace of giving.

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:7

ShelbyNEXT | App Giving
  • Download Shelby Giving app from the app store.
  • Search for “First Baptist Church.”
  • Create donor profile, and set up payment information.
  • Set up one-time or recurring gifts.
  • View online giving history.
219.215.2288 | Text Giving
  • Text amount with the dollar sign to 219.215.2288.
  • Receive a link to set up account and payment information.
  • Receive a confirmation text that contribution processed.
Mail In or Drop Off

If you prefer to give by check or money order, you may make it payable to:

  • First Baptist Church
    507 State Street
    Hammond, IN 46320

If you need assistance, please contact our finance office Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (CDT) at 219.932.0711 or by emailing Contribution statements can be obtained by logging into your ShelbyNEXT account.