Visiting First Baptist Church
Your first visit to First Baptist will be refreshing, friendly, and enjoyable. You will experience inspiring music, helpful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you feel welcome and at home! Here are a few answers to your questions and what you might expect on your first visit.
Plan Your Visit
Fill out the form below, and when you plan your visit, you’ll have the opportunity to talk with a team member about any questions you might have.
Our main services are Sundays at 10:45 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Both services are separate, with music and preaching specific for that service. All services are available in person or online.
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. Morning Service
6:00 p.m. Evening Service
7:00 p.m. Transformers Kids’ Club
7:00 p.m. Discipleship Class
7:00 p.m. Midweek Bible Study
Worship is the act of loving and responding to God! Through the heartwarming, conservative music and the clear, Bible teaching and preaching in our services, your heart will be inspired to love and to respond to God. Each week, families are strengthened, encouraged, and drawn closer to Him through these special times together. Each service is carefully planned and prayed over so that God may work in your life! Watch recent services below.
Our church is located in the heart of downtown Hammond, Indiana. The main entrance is at 473 Sibley Street, and you’ll recognize it by the large steeple. Our visitor parking lot and three-story parking garage are located directly across the street for easy access.

Virtual Tour
Step inside and explore our Main Auditorium Building with a 3D virtual tour! Click here to take a guided walk-through and experience the space from every angle, all from the comfort of your own device.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of church are you?
We are an independent fundamental, Baptist church. For a better understanding of the spirit of our services, watch or listen online. You may also review our Doctrinal Statement or visit us in person!
Where should I go when I first arrive?
Our main entrance is located at 473 Sibley Street. A visitor parking lot and parking garage are located directly across the street from the Main Auditorium Building for easy access. As you approach the main entrance, one of our greeters will meet you at the Welcome Center and direct you to the right classes and services.
Where do I take my children?
We have numerous classes, programs, and ministry opportunities for children from birth through high school. Nursery care is provided for every service. Elementary-aged children enjoy children’s churches, children’s choirs, the Transformers Kids’ Club, and other programs tailored for their age groups. Our exciting teen group offers weekly activity opportunities, as well as conferences and camps throughout the year. When you arrive, check in at the Welcome Center, and our greeters can help you find the right classes!
How long are your services?
Our services are typically an hour and a half in length.
Is there something for my teenagers?
Yes, teens have fun and engaging Sunday school classes, services, and activites throughout the year! Learn more here.
I come from a small church. Will I feel comfortable at your church?
Yes. Our church began with a handful of people in 1887. Over the years, we have experienced the Lord’s hand of blessing in the size of our membership. Through all of this, we have sought to remain just that – a big family. When you visit our church, you will find a friendly welcome and down-to-earth Christians with a love for their church family. You and your family will be shown exactly where to go, and you will find that our church really isn’t that “big” after all. Through our individual Sunday school classes, you will be able to “connect” to a smaller group in our church as you begin to assimilate into our family.
How do I contact the church staff or Pastor Wilkerson?
You can do so by calling us at 219.932.0711. You can also send us an email through the contact page.
Can I get a pastor to visit my home?
Yes. Fill out this form requesting a pastoral visit in the “comments” field, so that we can arrange a visit.
What types of ministries can I be involved in?
You can view our ministries page and begin the process of getting involved by filling out this form!
How do I get a ride to church?
We send out scores of buses every Sunday throughout our community. To see if one of these buses comes through your neighborhood, fill out this form with your name, address, and phone number!
Do you have services for different nationalities?
Can I watch your services online?
Yes. You can watch our services live, or you can view our archived messages on our church YouTube channel.
Do you rent out your facilities for special events?
Because of the size of our ministry and the vast amount of weekly activity, all special events are limited to church members’ use only. This would include weddings, funerals, rehearsal dinners, bridal showers, and similar events.
What is your Statement of Faith?
Find our our beliefs and church missions statement by viewing our Doctrinal Statement.
How can I get connected with others?
To really experience First Baptist Church, check out an adult Sunday school class on Sundays at 9:45 a.m. These classes are smaller group settings where you are invited to meet people, enjoy some coffee, and hear a lesson directly applicable to your life stage. Find a class here.
What should I wear?
There is not a dress code at First Baptist Church for members or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday” dress; however, our main goal is that you would feel comfortable on your visit.
Am I expected to participate in the offering?
No. We don’t invite you to First Baptist Church for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you. Please don’t feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.
Why are there so many buildings?
Our main campus in downtown Hammond is also home to the Hometown Thrift Store, Better Roads Recovery Ministry, Hammond Rescue Mission, Fundamental Baptist Missions International, 90.5 The Key FM, and the Hammond Bible Institute. Many of our buildings help to facilitate these ministries.