John Wilkerson

Host Pastor

Abdel Judeh

Host Youth Pastor

Luke Bishop

Rose Bud, Arkansas

Tim Ruhl

Chico, California

Eddie Lapina

Conference Coordinator

Ricky Torres

Chicagoland Teens Youth Pastor

Jubal Perez

Spanish Youth Pastor

Save the date to attend Youth Conference Hammond! We hope that you will take the opportunity to join us this July and leave feeling refreshed and encouraged to serve the Lord in your youth group and in your church. Our speakers have a passion to reach this generation for the Lord Jesus Christ and to see young people serve Him with their lives!

Online registration begins April 1, 2025. The cost of the conference registration is $55 per person, with a $10 discount for those who register in April and a $5 discount for those who register in May. Contact our Conference Office at 219.228.2811 with any questions about registration or this event. 

Uplifting Fellowship

Enjoy fellowship with Christian teenagers from across the country!

Fierce Competitions

Rally with your team to earn points throughout the conference!

Fiery Preaching

Hear powerful messages from preachers with a passion for this generation!

Gospel Singing

Be a part of revival through Spirit-filled singing!


Competitions are open to registered teen delegates only; those over 18 are not permitted to enter the competitions; the deadline to register for any of the competitions is Thursday, July 10 (no exceptions).

A church may register only one participant/group in each category, and the same teen cannot compete in more than one competition, as they are taking place at the same time.

All preaching and music competitions will be held on the First Baptist Church property during the Wednesday afternoon lunch break from 12:00 – 2:00 p.m. All athletic competitions will be held on Wednesday at Hyles-Anderson College from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Boys' Soccer

HAC Jorgensen Field

One representative from each registered team should meet in the east pie section of the Main Auditorium immediately following the first session Tuesday evening. 

Girls' Volleyball

HAC DeCoster Gymnasium 

One representative from each registered team should meet in the east pie section of the Main Auditorium immediately following the first session Tuesday evening. 

3-on-3 Basketball

HAC DeCoster Gymnasium

One representative from each registered team should meet in the east pie section of the Main Auditorium immediately following the first session Tuesday evening. 

Boys' Preaching

Junior High:
Main Auditorium East Overflow Room

Senior High:
Main Auditorium West Overflow Room

All who are registered to compete should meet in the east center section of the Main Auditorium immediately following the first session Tuesday evening. 

Music Competitions

Vocal Solo:
Main Auditorium Orchestra Practice Room

Vocal Small Group:
Youth Center

Vocal Ensemble:
Jack Hyles Memorial Auditorium

One representative from each registered group should meet in the west pie section of the Main Auditorium immediately following the first session Tuesday evening. 

Piano Competitions

Main Auditorium Ray Boardway Choir Rehearsal Room

All who are registered to compete should meet in the west pie section of the Main Auditorium immediately following the first session Tuesday evening. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Whom can I contact with additional questions?

Contact our Conference Office at 219.228.2811 with any questions regarding our conferences.

When are your conferences each year?

Our conferences begin on the following dates each year:

  • Servants’ Conference: Third Tuesday of March
  • Youth Conference: Third Tuesday of July
  • Ladies’ Conference: First Friday of October
What accommodations are offered?

We suggest you log on to or and find a hotel in the location of your choosing. Once your choice is made, contact the hotel property directly and let them know you are attending an event at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, and they will give you the best price they can. However, if the price you found online is cheaper than what you are told, let them know that, and more often than not, they will match the lower price.

Accommodations in the dorms at Hyles-Anderson College are limited and are only available for registered delegates and registered chaperones until capacity has been reached; adjustments to the numbers in the dorms must be finalized by the Thursday before the conference begins. The cost to stay in the dorms is $15 per person per night, and the dorms are available Monday through Thursday nights. 

What is the church address?

Our church is located in the heart of downtown Hammond, Indiana. The main entrance is at 473 Sibley Street, and you’ll recognize it by the large steeple. Our visitor parking lot and three-story parking garage are located directly across the street for easy access.

When does Youth Conference begin and end?

The opening service will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening and the conference will conclude after the evening service on Thursday. 

How do I register additional delegates?

Additional registrations can only be done online and must be done by opening a new registration form and using a different name on the form; you cannot increase the numbers on the form of any registrations that have been paid for; the name of the church, the city, and the state are what group multiple registrations together. 

When does online registration end?

Online registration will end at midnight on the Thursday before the conference begins. You will be able to register additional delegates at the conference on Tuesday, and the cost will be $55 per person. 

Can I register at the conference when I arrive?

While you’re welcome to register at the event, registering online in advance really helps us with planning and ensures a smoother experience for you. 

When does registration begin?

Online registration for our conferences opens on the first Tuesday of each month:

  • Servants’ Conference: January
  • Youth Conference: April
  • Ladies’ Conference: August

Be sure to mark your calendars and register early to secure your spot for these impactful events!

Where should I go when I arrive?

Our main entrance is located at 473 Sibley Street. A visitor parking lot and parking garage are located directly across the street from the Main Auditorium Building for easy access. As you approach the main entrance, one of our greeters will meet you and direct you to the East Overflow Room for registration. Here you may pick up your conference materials!

Are your conferences live streamed?

Yes. You can watch every conferences main session live, or you can view our archived conferences on our church YouTube channel

When is the deadline to enter the competitions?

Competitions are open to registered teen delegates only; those over 18 are not permitted to enter the competitions; the deadline to register for any of the competitions is the Thursday before the conference begins (no exceptions). 

A church may register only one participant/group in each category, and the same teen cannot compete in more than one competition, as they are taking place at the same time. 

When is the final balance due owed, and how do I pay it?

We will contact you by phone beginning the first week of July to collect the balance due on your registration, which will make it easier for your group to check in on Tuesday. 

Where can I find the individual registration forms?

Click here to download the individual registration cards for each registered delegate in your group; feel free to cut them apart to be filled out, but please put them back in groups of four before either emailing them to or faxing them to 219.228.2968.